• 2023.03.20

    Last week

    This week the children are still using their story telling skills and acting out stories and even creating their own. This is just amazing. Early reading helps support curiosity and stimulates imagination leading to role play and developing things like problem solving and empathy.
  • 2023.03.03

    Book Week

    Well this week was book week and it was very successful.  The children really enjoyed exploring new books, creating their own stories and acting out stories in imaginary play. This has really helped their language development and story telling.
  • 2023.02.22

    Week 6 People we love

    The week before half term the children talked about people they love and care about in their family. Some made cards and love hearts to give to someone they love.  
  • 2023.02.22

    Week 5

    The children really enjoyed last week learning about the body and oral hygiene. They learnt what an  x-ray of a skeleton looks like and all of our bone names. We talked about how our bodies work and how our organs are important to us. This led to lots of discussions...
  • 2023.02.22

    Exploring the Ice Age week 3

    This last few weeks the children have been learning about the Ice Age and Arctic animals. They have enjoyed playing with Ice, looking at how it melts and how temperature affects it. A science experiment with frozen arctic animals and exploring snow and how the animals live and play in...
  • 2023.02.22

    Music week 4

    Music week. The children enjoyed a wide variety of music. They listened to different genres from around the world and played their home made instruments. During music time we played loudly, softly and practiced playing in time with the beat. It was noisy at times but the children had great...
  • 2023.01.10

    Pre-school places

    We still have a number of places available for September. We have morning, afternoon and full day sessions offering  paid, 15 & 30 hour funded places. Please explore our website for more details or contact us on 01474 365877
  • 2023.01.10

    Eggs to hatch

    We will be holding an Easter egg hunt at Easter in the morning and the afternoon so all children can take part.  This will be weather permitting. In the spring we hope to have some eggs to hatch into chicks or ducks. This is something we do every year. The...
  • 2023.01.10

    The start of the new term

    The start of the new term is about settling in the new children and creating a safe, secure and stimulating environment for all children. We have lots of new friends and everyone is settling in well.
  • 2023.01.10

    Visits from proffesionals

    We may arrange some visits from the fire brigade or other professionals. We will keep these things updated  once we know the dates.
  • 2023.01.10

    Christmas party

    Our Christmas party was a great success. Unfortunately not everyone attended due to illness. The children and staff danced and played games, enjoying party food and a visit from Santa himself. We did not manage to have our carol concert in the church again due to illness. We have posted...
  • 2023.01.10


    We often have parents or family members come in and visit the children when they are of a profession within the community.  We also have parents come in and share their family celebrations like Diwali and Chinese New Year. We celebrate Mothers and Fathers day inviting you in for a...